Saturday, October 23, 2010

Thank you for curing me of my ridiculous obsession with love.

I have been thinking a lot lately and have been pondering my place in this wide world of ours, I think I am learning some new things about myself, and it's an interesting thing. I don't know what to do anymore, I am still luckless with dating, doing poor in school, am not making much money, and I can't keep in contact with old friends even though I want too. I have been wanting a relationship or someone to share with for the longest time, and after a year of dating and taking girls out I feel much like christian in Moulin Rouge. like I have finally broken my obsession with love. I don't know where this will lead me, I doubt I can give up dating but I feel like I've lost some of my nerve as of late. before to long the semester will end and all memories of me will fade, and I will be able to start anew. besides that work is going well, I hate it, but it pays the bills. until next time take care,

Sean out,


  1. Love stinks! Yeah, yeah! (That was a Wedding Singer reference if you missed it.)

  2. If it makes you feel any better, maybe you're having to wait because your sexy lady isn't old enough yet (you're not a pedophile yet, just hear me out...). My husband and I met and were married three months later. However, I was 20 and he was 25, so maybe you just have to wait to meet her is all! Keep your chin up, dawg.
