Friday, September 9, 2011

I am so old...

Last night my roommate who is a new freshman this fall, finally came home from orientation, and he brought with him two friends from back home and those two each brought a roommate. I found myself sitting in a room with 5 18 year olds. now I'm not saying they weren't cool, they actually are a lot of fun, but I just felt old. I'm 24, that's a 6 year difference. So I was trying to relate with them on a lot of things, and we had a fun time talking. it ended up that I was teaching them all this wisdom I have accumulated here at school. I taught them how to get girls to make dinners for them, how to get girls phone numbers, and fun ways to know girls all over campus. I felt a lot like yoda when he is teaching the younglings in star wars. It will be a lot of fun to find out over the next week or two if they get dinner or numbers from girls. I think this is gonna be a fun semester.

Sean out,

Thursday, September 8, 2011

New begingings

So I moved in yesterday to my new apartment in BYU-Idaho. I like this apartment a lot more than the other ones I have lived in. heres a picture of the complex.
I actually live in the apartment on the top floor that the tree in the foreground covers. I have 1 roommate right now, he got here around 11 o'clock this morning but the rest still haven't arrived. But they will tomorrow or saturday, so soon I will get to know my 5 new roommates and start making some friendships.
I am also very excited to see the girls, it's good to be back in the paradise city

I will blog about more adventures as they happen, until then you stay classy san diego