Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tv shows

So since I have been at home in Logan and don't have many friends, I have been watching a lot of tv shows. The thing is I don't watch tv, but I watch a lot of tv shows, and if you don't already know it I'm kind of a scifi junkie/nerd. I love scifi tv shows, and as I was watching some of my favorites, I thought about how whenever I hear people talk about their favorite shows, these don't come up. So I am going to share a couple of my favorites and see if I can spark some interest in them amongst my friends.
The first show I want to talk about is Fringe.

It is a show about a FBI team that deals with weird events and unexplained happenings, dealing with the "fringe" sciences, such as parallel universes, quantum mechanics, and other weird things.

The lead character is Olivia Dunham, she is the FBI agent that works alongside Dr. Walter Bishop, and his son Peter Bishop. Walter, working with his partner William Bell, did many experiments in the 60's and 70's into the fringe sciences, (he actually worked on Olivia when she was a little girl) after a lab accident where an assistant was killed, Walter was charged with manslaughter and deemed mentally unfit to be tried, he was placed in a facility for 17 years. Olivia, after finding out about bishop frees him and with his past experience is able to make sense of the strange things going on. His character is very quirky and funny. he practiced lots of experiments using LSD and did many recreational drugs back in the 60's and with his 17 years in the mental facility he says many funny thing and acts very strange. Now peter bishop, takes care of his father, but is in every way as smart as his father is. but there is a secret about peter that we find out about as we watch the show.
All in all, it is a show about strange things happening then they solve the problem. much like any other crime show, yet theres deals with the paranormal and oddities.

The second show I want to mention is Warehouse 13.

The premise of Warehouse 13 is that there are "artifacts" that have special powers. things that people have used in the past that carry part of them or can affect people who touch the artifact. examples would be, General grants flask. the person who drinks from it will believe he is in the Civil war and start fighting people. there are many different artifacts in this giant warehouse in south dakota, called warehouse 13 since it is the 13th warehouse since ancient times.

the secret service agents that work in warehouse 13, Artie, Micah, claudia, and pete. pete and micah are the field agents that go out all over the country/world and find the artifacts and "bag em and tag em" the artifacts are brought back to the warehouse where they are put on a shelf, and held to protect the general public. Artie is the leader of the group and the oldest of the warehouse team. Claudia is the youngest and is a computer whiz, brining a lot of much needed new technology into the warehouse. many parts of it still use notecards and other older means of inventorying everything. I really enjoy this show for the characters, they are really fun. pete is the ex marine, goof off, funny guy that makes boob jokes and always says one liners from movies. he has this "ability" that he gets vibes that somethings wrong and it usually is right. Micah is the strong female character, she is smart and very well versed in classic literature, between pete's intuition and micah's smarts, they make up a good team.

Third we have Sanctuary.

This show is amazing, first off they use CG for most of the set. probably 50 percent of the sets are made with CG. that way they have no budget restricitons when it comes to how they want a set to look or how many rooms they have in the Sanctuary. The premise of the Sanctuary is this, there are "abnormals" all over the world. strange creatures out of fairy tales and stories. like mermaids, strange humanoids and other things. basically they are endangered since humans have spread so much around the globe and we kill their habitats. also some of them are dangerous.

like this lizard guy

anyway Dr. Helen Magnus and her team go around the world and "hunt" these abnormals. their mission is to bring them back to the sanctuary where they can live in safety. they have many different missions and problems, from smugglers, to people trying to attack the sanctuary itself.
I won't give too much away on the characters, but you learn so much about them and how they came to be who they are. it is a really enjoyable show where you can have a bunch of laughs. oh there also are lycanthropes, vampires, and jack the ripper.

4th and last is probably my favorite out of all 4 of these right now. That show would be V.
now it hasn't been renewed for a third season yet, but we are hoping ABC comes forward. The whole premise of this show is all of a sudden one day 29 space ships show over 29 major cities around the world.

the bottom of the ships can project images like a tv and we see Ana. Ana is the queen and leader of the "visitors". "We are at peace, always" is a phrase you often hear from her.

The visitors give us new technology, healing centers, blue energy (a kind of renewable, clean, energy) without asking for anything. humans are brought aboard to live on the ships and visitors mingle amongst our people. soon a terrorist group known simply as the fifth column made up of visitors and humans alike try and fight back against Ana and the other V's. as time goes on we see that there is a sinister side to the visitors. the main character Erica Evans is an FBI agent in charge of the details that protect Ana and her retinue when they go around New York City. Her son, ends up falling in love with Lisa, Ana's daughter. this brings a vicious triangle and Erica trys to help the fifth column fight Ana, but keep her son safe as he wants to be with Lisa on the ship. A few episodes of this show brought me to tears and moved me in ways a Tv show has never done. I would recomend this one to anyone that likes a scifi show about aliens and intrigue.

So there you go. Those are my top 4 scifi shows that I have watched or am currently watching. what are your favorite shows? I hope I perked your interest. most people seem to have a stigma about scifi shows, they wouldnt be caught dead watching them, yet they are huge fans of Lost, which is a huge scifi show. anyway, if you decide you don't like these, I guess you could just keep watching Glee and desperate houswives...

Sean out,